Mission Statement

The Rant's mission is to offer information that is useful in business administration, economics, finance, accounting, and everyday life. The mission of the People of God is to be salt of the earth and light of the world. This people is "a most sure seed of unity, hope, and salvation for the whole human race." Its destiny "is the Kingdom of God which has been begun by God himself on earth and which must be further extended until it has been brought to perfection by him at the end of time."

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Charles Lamson

If you talk with employees in almost any organization, they will tell you there re barriers to ffective communication. several barriers to effective interpersonal working relationships occur in all organizations. we have chosen to discuss what we think are some of the primary communication barriers encountered in both profit and nonprofit organizations these include the climate of the organization statues within the organization, problems of communication overload, and defensiveness.


The organizational climate established can determine the amout and type of communication between supervisors and subordinates following we discuss hree types of climate and their impact.
     Ralph works in an organization primarily concerned with production - the task - and the managers show little concern for the employees most of the communication is top down with the messages directed toward how to do the job more efficiently. if an employee attempts to send a message up the system it usually is stopped by the first the first level manager the system is not concerned about the employees the attitude is that if people quit there will be people in line to replace them. management might sponsor an employee get together occasionally as a token to appeased the most disgruntled employees who want attention. there is never any change except that initiated by management.

This climate is generally known as the dehumanizing climate employees generally go to work each day with little enthusiasm do their jobs and go home. in this climate there is little communication between supervisor and subordinate in fact, the management the organization does not encourage or sometimes even allow communication between subordinates as evil so they throw roaedblocks in the way to prevent that type of communication they keep employees seperated at work assign them tasks that keep them apart and try to prevent employees from socializing the dhumanizing climate leads toi distrust, distortions, dislike and lower production levels the the employees do not perform at their highest levels because they are unhappy with the communication situation both management and employees distrust and dislike each other and are suspicious of the others when change is needed. this is not a desirable climate in which to work

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     Mary goes to work each morning with an optimistic outlook, and anticipates socializing with her friends on the job. the managers in her organization have a lot of concern for the employees. Managers place employee satisfaction very high on their list of priorities. They give awards to loyal employees and sponsor many social activities. Although they hope the work gets done, they feel that people are our most important product. There are many meetings designed to let everyone have a say. Changes are rarely undertaken, unless everyone agrees on what should be done.
This is the Happiness for Lunch Bunch climate. This climate is primarily concerned with employee welfare and peer communication, and spends little time worrying about change or communication between supervisor and subordinate. The chief concern here is the employee's well being. Often in this climate, you find little time being spent on task, and enormous amounts of time being spent on ways to to improve the employees' environment.

"Sounds great, doesn't it?" one might ask, "What's wrong with this?" Nothing, except it is usually done to the exclusion of the task. The attitude is that the job will get done, and so what if the job is a little late, or not quite up to specifications. In this type of climate, there often are committees for everything, so all employees can have input. In fact, you will often find a committee on committees, which is to oversee all the other committees, and identify any new ones that are needed. In this type of organization, little work is being performed. Most of the communication is through committees. No one is really sure of what he or she should be doing, and everyone is concerned with happiness. This is not an ideal climate for communication. Either the communication tends to be narrow and distorted, and often people stifle their real feelings for fear of hurting someone else. Although, both of these extreme organizational climates can exist in either profit-making or non-profit organizations. The Dehumanizing climate tends to represent the excess most often identified with profit-making corporations. The Happiness for Lunch Bunch more often is representative of nonprofit groups.

It is clear that neither the Dehumanizing, nor the Happiness for Lunch Bunch climate, is desirable. The optimal climate is one that has a concern for both the task and the employee, one that encourages communication up, down, and across the organization, concerning both task and employee issues. This climate, we call the Open climate. This is a climate in which both supervisors and administration are needed, when the situation calls for them.

In the open climate. personnel are encouraged to do their jobs, but with assistance from a supervisor. Personnel are encouraged to talk to each other, and their supervisor, and take problems to their immediate supervisor. Personnel are encouraged to talk to each other, and their supervisor, and take problems to their immediate supervisor. This climate is not without its drawbacks. But, it is certainly better than the other two in this climate. The employees, as well as management, are expected to do their jobs well and be open to new ideas and change. This climate is one in which people feel they can express an opinion, be straightforward, and not feel they will be criticized for being honest. This type of climate encourages personal achievement and personal growth - the other two do not. This is a supportive and non-threatening climate, in which people feel comfortable, and generally enjoy their work. In addition, people are expected to be involved, and do more than just put in time or socialize. Hence, this climate may not be for some people. Those who just want to do their job and be left alone might be happier in the Dehumanizing climate - at least they know nothing is expected of them.

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In conclusion, the open climate fosters communication between supervisors and subordinates, as well as among peers. It encourages change. The Dehumanizing climate does none of these. Management  just wants output. The Happiest for Lunch Bunch climate does none of these. To determine which climate is present in your organization, look to where the concern is, and what type of communication is encouraged. You will recognize that the Dehumanizing, and Happy for Lunch Bunch climates, represent two ends of a continuum, with the Open climate occupying a section in the middle of that continuum. Sometimes, the climate in an organization shifts around between the middle, and one of the ends of the continuum. But, seldom does it move from one to another, unless there is a dramatic change in the personnel at the top of the organization.



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