The Determinants of Interest Rates
Charles Lamson
Although bonds issued by corporations and governments differ in a variety of ways, they really share the following character: they have an original maturity greater than ten years; they have a face or par value (F) of $1,000 per bond, and the issuer (borrower) agrees to make equal periodic interest payments over the term to maturity of the instrument and to repay the face value at maturity. The periodic payments are called coupon payments (C) and are equal to the coupon rate on a bond multiplied by the face value of the bond. As we shall see in a moment, the coupon rate, which usually appears on the bond itself, is not the same thing as the interest rate. The distinction between the coupon rate and the coupon payment and between the coupon rate and the interest rate is often a source of considerable confusion.
So, for example, you buy a bond for Jane for $981.48, you would receive $60 of interest at maturity ($1,000) plus a capital gain of $18.53; the gain is equal to the par value you get back at maturity ($1,000) minus the price you pay at the time of purchase ($981.48). Together the interest and the capital gain ($60 + $1,852 = $78.52). Thus, in this example, you buy the bond at a price below its par value. This is called a discount from par and raises yield on the bond, called the yield to maturity, from 6 to 8 percent. In sum, as the market interest rate rises, the price of existing bonds falls. The lower yield to maturity on existing bonds is unattractive to potential purchasers who can purchase newly issued bonds with higher yields to maturity. Therefore, the yield to maturity on previously issued bonds must somehow rise to remain competitive with the new higher level of prevailing interest rates. The yield on existing bonds rises when their prices fall. Suppose that instead of rising from 6 percent to 8 percent the day after Jane buys the bond. The interest rate in the market falls to 4 percent. Jane's bond will rise to $1,019.23. What does this represent?If any of us bought Jane's bond for $1,019.23, we would be paying a price above the par value. This is called a premium above par. At maturity we would get $60 minus a capital loss of $19.23; the loss is equal to what we pay at the time of purchase minus the par value we receive at maturity ($1019.23 - $1,000 = $19.23). The $40.77 ($60 - $19.23 = $40.77) represents a 4 percent yield over the year ($40.77/$1019.23 = .04). Thus, as the market interest rate falls, the prices of existing bonds rise. The reason is that the higher yield to maturity on existing bonds is attractive to potential investors, and as they buy existing bonds, the bond prices rise, reducing their yield to maturity. In general, then, there is an inverse relationship between the price of outstanding bonds trading in the secondary market and the prevailing level of market interest rates. As a result one can say that if bond prices are rising, then interest rates are falling, and vice versa. These are different ways of saying the same thing, and we need not resort to the formalities of discounting and present value analysis to see the bare essentials of this relationship
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The Time Value of Money
The interest rate is the cost to borrowers of obtaining credit, and the reward to lending for surplus funds. Thus, just as rent is the cost to apartment dwellers and the return to the landlord, the interest rate is the rental rate paid by borrowers and received by lenders when money is "rented out."
The central point to remember from this discussion, is the role the interest rate plays in linking the present with the future. Lending in the present enables spending in the future the sum of what is lent, plus the interest earned. Borrowing in the present enables spending in the present, but requires paying back in the future, what I borrowed plus interest. Since the interest rate is the return on lending, and the cost, of borrowing; it plays a pivotal role in spending, saving, borrowing, and lending decisions made in the present and bearing on the future. The concept I have been describing is called time value of money. Simply put, the interest rate represents the time value of money, because it specifies the terms upon which one can trade off. present purchasing power for future purchasing power. This is one of the most important and fundamental concepts in economics and finance.
Compounding and Discounting
Compounding: Futures
Compounding is a method used to answer a simple question: What is the future value of money lent or borrowed today? As is illustrated in Exhibit 1. the question is forward looking; we stand in the present today, and ask a question about the future.
1. Compounding: The Future Value of Money Lent Today
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Suppose Joseph A. Student agrees to lend a friend $1,000 for one year, the friend gives Joe an IOU for $1,000 and agrees to repay the $1,000 interest in a year. The amount that is originally lent is the principal---in this case $1,000. If the agreed interest rate is 6 percent, then the friend will pay total of $1,060 ($1,00 + $60).
Imagine now that Joe's friend borrows for two years instead of one year and makes no payments to Joe until two years pass. Here, is where compounding comes into play. Literally, compounding means to combine, add to, or increase. In the financial world, it refers to the increase in the value of funds that results from earning interest on interest. More specifically, interest earned after the first year is added to the original principal; the second year's interest calculation is based on this total. The funds to be received at the end of two years.
Discounting: Present Values
Compounding is forward looking. It addresses the question: What is the future value of money lent (or borrowed) today? As we shall see, understanding compounding is of money (lent) or borrowed (or borrowed) today? As we shall see understanding compounding is the key to really understanding what often seems to be a more difficult concept to grasp---discounting.
In effect, as shown in Exhibit 2, discounting is backward looking. It addresses this question: What is the present value of money to be received (or paid) in the future?
2. Discounting the Present Value of Money to Be Received in the Future
Compounding is finding the future value of a present sum. Discounting is finding the present value of a future sum.
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Why Market Makers Make Markets
The willingness of a market maker to make a market for any particular security will be a function of the expected profits and risks associated with buying, selling, and holding that type of security. The profits earned by a market maker flow mainly from the revenue generated by the price it charges for conducting a transaction. the number it charges for conducting a transaction. the number of transactions engaged in, and any capitol gains or losses associated with the market makers inventories of securities. Generally, a market maker charges a brokerage fee or commission for each transaction. The fee may be part item, such as 10 cents per share on stock, or a specified percentage of the total value of the trade, such as, 1 percent of the total proceeds from the sale of bonds. Market makers also collect a fee in some markets by buying a particular security at one price---the bid price---and selling the security at a slightly higher price---the "offer," or asked price. In this case, the revenue received by a market maker is a function of the spread between the bid, and asked prices, and the number of transactions in which the market maker and the public engage. Competition among market makers tends to minimize transaction costs to market participants.
1. Market Makers
Market Making and Liquidity The quality and cost of services provided by market makers affect the transactions costs associated with buying or selling various securities, the costs and convenience associated with buying or selling liquidity affect portfolio decisions, the market-making function influences, in turn, affect the liquidity of these securities. because transactions costs and liquidity affect portfolio decisions, the market-making function influences the allocation of financial resources in our economy. Some markets, such as the TR-bill market are characterized by high quality secondary markets. The large volume of outstanding securities encourages many firms to make markets in Treasury securities, and the volume of trading and competition among market makers, produces a spread between the dealer "bid," and asked "prices" of only 0.1 to 0.2 percent, well below the spread of 0.3125 to 0.5 percent associated with transaction in less actively traded, longer term government securities. ![]()
Substitutability, Market Making, and Market Integration
Market makers play another important, but less obvious, role in helping to integrate the various financial markets. Market makers such as Merrill Lynch and Solomon Smith Barney make markets in numerous financial instruments. In general, the trading floor of the typical market maker is a busy place on the floor of the trading room, the specialist in T-bills sits near the specialist in corporate bonds, who in turn, is only 20 feet from the specialist in mortgage-backed securities. Assuming that these people talk to one another, the activity in one market is known to those operating in other markets. With each specialist disseminating information to consumers via telephone, and continually monitoring computer display terminals, a noticeable change in the T-bills market (say a half percentage point decline in interest rates on T-bills), will quickly become known to buyers and sellers in other markets. Such information will, in turn, influence training decisions in these other markets, and thus, affect interest rates on other securities.
To better understand the role of market makers, it will be helpful to distinguish between brokers and dealers. A broker simply arranges trades between buyers and sellers. A dealer, in addition to arranging trades between buyers and sellers, stands ready to be a principal in a transaction, more specifically, a dealer stands ready to purchase and hold securities sold by investors. The dealer carries an inventory of securities and then sells them to other investors. When we refer to market makers in this next series of posts, we will be referring to dealers, the market makers.
As a key player in financial markets, the market maker has an important role in our financial system. In particular, a market maker helps to maintain a smoothly functioning, orderly financial market. market makers stand ready to buy and sell and adjust prices---literally making a market. Let us assume that there are 100,000 shares of stock for sale at a particular price. If buyers take only 80,000 shares at that price, what happens to the remaining 20,000 shares? When such a short-term imbalance occurs, rather than making inconsistent changes in prices the market takes a position (buy) and holds shares over a period of time to keep the price from falling erratically, or the market maker may altar the prices until all (or most) of the shares are sold. Thus, in the short-term market makers facilitate the ongoing shuffling and rearranging of portfolios by standing ready to increase or decrease their inventory position. If there is not a buyer for every seller or a seller for every buyer, These actions enhance market efficiency and contribute to an orderly, smoothly functioning financial system.
Market makers also receive, process, interpret and disseminate information to potential buyers and sellers. Such information includes the outlook for monetary and fiscal policy; unemployment, newly published data on inflation, unemployment and output; fresh assessments of international economic conditions; information on the profits of individual firms; and analysis of trends and market shares in various industries. As holders of outstanding securities and potential issuers of new securities digest all this information, they may take actions that bring about a change in current interest rates and prices of stocks and bonds.
To illustrate, assume the political situation in the Middle East deteriorates, and experts believe a prolonged war which would disrupt the flow of oil to the rest of the world is likely. Analysts, employed by the market makers, would assess the probable impact on the price of oil, the effect on U.S. oil companies' profits, and so forth. Such information would be disseminated to and digested by financial investors, and lead some of them to buy (demand) or sell (supply) particular securities.
In general, when something affects the supply or demand for a good, the price of that good will be affected. in the financial markets when something affects the supply of, or demand for, a security, its prices will move to a new equilibrium and the market maker will facilitate the adjustment. Securities prices change almost every day. Because of the activity of market makers, these changes usually occur in an orderly and efficient manner.
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Mortgages are loans to purchase single (or multiple) family residential housing, land or other real structures, with the structure or land serving as collateral for the loan. In the event the borrower fails to make the scheduled payments, the lender can repossess the property. Mortgages are usually made for up to 30 years, and the repayment of the principal is generally spread out over the life of the loan. Some mortgages charge a fixed interest rate that remains the same over the life of the loan; others charge a variable interest rate, that is adjusted periodically to reflect changing market conditions. Savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks are the primary leaders in the residential mortgage market, although commercial banks are now also active lenders in this market.
Corporate Bonds
Corporate Bonds are long-term bonds issued by usually (although not always) with excellent credit ratings. Maturities range from 2 to 30 years. The owner receives an interest payment twice a year and the principal at maturity. Because the outstanding amount of bonds for any given corporation is small, corporate bonds are not nearly as liquid as other securities such as U.S. government bonds. However, an active secondary market has been created by dealers who are willing to buy and sell corporate bounds. The principle buyers of corporate bonds are life insurance companies, pension funds, households, commercial banks, and foreign investors.
U.S. Government Securities
U.S. government securities are long-term debt instruments with maturities of 2 to 30 years issued by the U.S. Treasury to finance the deficits of the federal government. They pay semiannual dividends and return the principal at maturity. An active secondary market exists, although it is not as active as the secondary market for T-bills. Despite this, because of the ease with which they are traded, government securities are still the most liquid security traded in the capital market. The principal holders of government securities are the Federal Reserve, financial intermediaries, securities, dealers, households, and foreign investors.
U.S. Government Agency Securities
U.S. government agency securities are long-term bonds issued by various government agencies, including those that support commercial, residential and agricultural, real estate, lending, and student loans. Some of these securities are guaranteed by the federal government, and some are not, even though all of the agencies are federally sponsored. Active secondary markets exist for most agency securities. Those that are guaranteed by the federal government function much like U.S. government bonds, and tend to be held by the same parties that hold government securities.
State and Local Government Bonds (Municipals)
State and local government bonds (municipals) are long-term instruments issued by state and local governments to finance expenditures on schools, roads, college dorms, and the like. An important attribute of municipals is that their interest payments are exempt from federal income taxes and from state taxes for investors living in the issuing state. Because of their tax status, state and local governments can issue debt at yields that are usually below those of taxable bonds of similar maturity. they carry some risk that the issuer will not be able to make scheduled interest or principal payments. Payments are generally secured in one of two ways. Revenue bonds are used to finance specific projects, and the proceeds of those projects are used to pay off the bondholders. General obligation bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the issuer; taxes can be raised to pay the interest and principal on general obligation bonds.
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Open Market Operations
Open market operations are the most important monetary policy tool at the Fed's disposal. These operations which are executed by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, under the guidance and direction of the FOMC, involve the buying or selling of U.S. government securities by the Fed. When the Fed buys securities, reserves fall. These operations are important because they have a direct effect on the reserves that are available to depository institutions. Depository institutions are required to hold reserve assets equal to a certain proportion of outstanding deposit liabilities. Changes in reserves, in turn, affect the ability of depository institutions to make loans and to extend credit. When banks or other depository institutions to make loans, they create checkable deposits. Thus, changes in reserves also affect the money supply. Consequently, when reserves change, the money supply and credit extension also change.
The Discount Rate and Discount Rate Policy
Because the Fed controls the amount of required reserve assets that depository institutions must hold, it also operates a lending facility called the discount window, through which depository institutions, caught short of reserves, can borrow from the Fed. The discount rate is the interest rate the Fed charges depository institutions that borrow reserves directly from the Fed. The discount rate is a highly visible, but less important, Fed policy tool. We say that it is "visible" because changes in the discount rate are often well-publicized, for example, on the evening news broadcast.
Reserve Requirements
The major item on the liability side of depository institutions' balance sheets is deposits. The Fed requires depository institutions to hold required reserves equal to a proportion of the checkable deposit liabilities. The Fed specifies the required reserve ratio, which is the fraction that must be held. For example, if the required reserve ratio on checkable deposits is 10 percent, then for each $1.00 in checkable deposit liabilities outstanding, a depository must hold $.10 in reserve assets.
The Fed's main tools for implementing monetary policy are open market operations and setting the required reserve ratio and the discount rate. Open market operations are the most widely used tool.