Mission Statement

The Rant's mission is to offer information that is useful in business administration, economics, finance, accounting, and everyday life. The mission of the People of God is to be salt of the earth and light of the world. This people is "a most sure seed of unity, hope, and salvation for the whole human race." Its destiny "is the Kingdom of God which has been begun by God himself on earth and which must be further extended until it has been brought to perfection by him at the end of time."

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Accounting: the Language of Business - Vol. 2 (Intermediate: Part 110)

“Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.”
— Charles F. Kettering

 Accounting and the Time Value of Money (Part T)


Charles Lamson

Deferred Annuities 

A deferred annuity results from a variety of contracts whose payments or receipts are delayed until a future period. For example, a company may receive annual payments of $50,000 for 5 years, but the payments will not begin until 3 years from today. Deferred annuities may require calculating the present value or the future value.

Future Value of a Deferred Ordinary annuity

Computing the future value of a deferred ordinary annuity involves using any of the same methods as when we compute the future value of an ordinary annuity with one difference: We will discount the cash flows only for the number of periods in which the payments occur, not the total period. This is due to the fact that we do not include the deferral period.

Click to enlarge.

Present Value of a Deferred Ordinary Annuity 

One alternative method to compute the present value of a deferred ordinary annuity is to determine the present value of the cash flows over the period in which the cash flows occur. This present value is then considered as a lump sum receipt (future value or FV) received at the end of the deferral period. Discount this FV back to time period 0 to determine the present value of the deferred ordinary annuity. 

Click to enlarge.



Rosary from Lourdes - 29/10/2023

Catholic Daily Mass - Daily TV Mass - October 29, 2023

English Audio Bible - 1 Samuel (COMPLETE) - New American Standard Bible ...

Friday, October 27, 2023

Joseph Ratzinger - What Will the Church Look Like in 2000? | Catholic Cu...

Training Vlog: Day 358 of Year 2 of Operation Great Reset - Build Back B...

“The tools we’ve relied on for decades to manipulate and interact with computers – the mouse and keyboard – will quickly fade with next-generation technology. Interface will move towards the fidelity of the real world, as simple as the sound of your voice and a blink of your eyes.” ― Klaus Schwab, Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution Beautiful Autumn day for training in the Fox Hill Apts. parking lot. Took it easy today. Shoulders are a little sore from overtraining. So I didn't want to injure anything.


Catholic Daily Mass - Daily TV Mass - October 27, 2023

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Training Vlog: Day 357 of Year 2 of Operation Great Reset - Build Back B...

“The deep disruption caused by COVID-19 globally has offered societies an enforced pause to reflect on what is truly of value. With the economic emergency responses to the pandemic now in place, the opportunity can be seized to make the kind of institutional changes and policy choices that will put economies on a new path towards a fairer, greener future. The history of radical rethinking in the years following World War II, which included the establishment of the Bretton Woods institutions, the United Nations, the EU and the expansion of welfare states, shows the magnitude of the shifts possible.” ― Klaus Schwab, COVID-19: The Great Reset

Training Vlog: Day 356 of Year 2 of Operation Great Reset - Build Back B...

“To paraphrase Madeleine Albright, we face the task of understanding and governing 21st-century technologies with a 20th-century mindset and 19th-century institutions.” ― Klaus Schwab, Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Rise And Fall Of Adolf Hitler | The Life of Adolf Hitler | All Out H...

Rosary from Lourdes - 26/10/2023

Monday, October 23, 2023

Catholic Daily Mass - Daily TV Mass - October 23, 2023


Accounting: The Language of Business - Vol. 2 (Intermediate: Part 109)

“The heart and soul of a company is creativity and innovation.”
— Robert Iger, CEO of Disney

 Accounting and the Time Value of Money (Part S)


Charles Lamson

Solving for the Payment Amount. Finally, problems may require solving for the amount of the payment.

Click to enlarge.

We solve for the payment amount, PMT, using the PMT function in a spreadsheet cell as follows:

= PMT(I/Y,N,PV,FV,type) 

All variables are previously defined. To solve the problem in Example 7.29, enter the following amounts in each cell.

The spreadsheet provides the solution $(24,999.95).

To solve the problem in Example 7.29 with a financial calculator, enter the following keystrokes.

The calculator provides the payment amount of $( 24,999.95). These keystrokes correspond to an annuity with 10 payments at a 4% interest rate per compounding period and a present value of $202,772. 



Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Accounting: The Language of Business - Vol. 2 (Intermediate: Part 108)

“You can’t be successful in business without taking risks. It’s really that simple.”
— Adena Friedman

Accounting and the Time Value of Money (Part R)


Charles Lamson

Solving for the Number of Compounding Periods. Problems may also require solving for the number of compounding periods. Again, we can use the present value of an ordinary annuity factors in Table 7A.5 to solve by using Equation 7.17 (from Part 107 and reintroduced below) to determine the factor and then finding the corresponding number of periods in the factor table.

TABLE 7A.5 (from Part 103Present Value of an Ordinary Annuity (Excerpt)

We solve for the number of periods, N, using the NPER function in a spreadsheet cell as follows:

= NPER(I/Y,PMT,PV,FV,type)

All variables are previously defined. To solve the problem in Example 7.28, enter the following amounts in each cell.

The spreadsheet provides the solution, 10 periods.

Financial calculators also facilitate solving for the number of compounding periods. To solve the problem in Example 7.28, enter the following keystrokes.

The calculator shows that the number of compounding periods is 10. The keystrokes correspond to an ordinary annuity with payments of $25,000 at a 4% interest rate per compounding period and a present value of $202,772. 




Catholic Daily Mass - Daily TV Mass - October 18, 2023

Friday, October 13, 2023

Catholic Daily Mass - Daily TV Mass - October 13, 2023

Rosary from Lourdes - 13/10/2023

Accounting: The Language of Business - Vol. 2 (Intermediate: Part 107)

“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”
— Stephen King

 Accounting and the Time Value of Money (Part Q)


Charles Lamson 

Other Annuity Problems 

In the annuity problems from the preceding parts of this analysis, we knew the interest rate, the payments, and the number of compounding periods and solved for either the present value or future value. However, there are times when you will be asked to solve for the interest rate, payments, or number of periods. We discuss these scenarios for ordinary annuities (series of equal payments made at the end of consecutive periods over a fixed length of time) in the next several parts. We discuss only ordinary annuities in these parts, but it is straightforward to extrapolate these procedures to the annuity due (annuity whose payment is due immediately at the beginning of each period) case.

Solving for the Interest Rate. To solve for the interest rate in an ordinary annuity problem, we could use Equation 7.13 from Part 102 and solve for I/Y,  but that is complex. Therefore, we present the other solution approaches.

Using the factor tables, start on the inside of the table. Referring to the present value of an ordinary annuity factors in Table 7A.5, we know from Equation 7.14 from Part 103

Thus, we compute the left hand side of the equation and search for the interest rate in the row corresponding to the number of compounding periods. Finding a factor in the table will depend on interest rates and the number of periods presented. If a factor is not found in a table, use another approach such as the formula or spreadsheet. 

EXAMPLE 7.27 Solving for the Interest Rate in an Ordinary Annuity Problem

We solve for the interest rate variable, I/Y using the RATE function in a spreadsheet cell as follows:

= RATE(N,PMT,PV,FV,type)

All variables are previously defined. To solve the problem in Example 7.27, enter the following amounts in each cell. 

The spreadsheet provides the solution, 5.00%.

We can also solve for the interest rate in an ordinary annuity problem using a financial calculator. To solve the problem in Example 7.27, enter the following keystrokes.

These keystrokes correspond to an annuity with 20 payments of $12,500,000 and a present value of $155,777,629. The calculator provides the solution of 5%. 



Thursday, October 12, 2023

Training Vlog: Day 343 of Year 2 of Operation Great Reset - Build Back B...

“the deluge of information available today, the velocity of disruption and the acceleration of innovation are hard to comprehend or anticipate. They constitute a source of constant surprise. In such a context, it is a leader’s ability to continually learn, adapt and challenge his or her own conceptual and operating models of success that will distinguish the next generation of successful business leaders. Therefore, the first imperative of the business impact made by the fourth industrial revolution is the urgent need to look at oneself as a business leader and at one’s own organization. Is there evidence of the organization and leadership capacity to learn and change? Is there a track record of prototyping and investment decision-making at a fast pace? Does the culture accept innovation and failure?” ― Klaus Schwab, The Fourth Industrial Revolution Great day of training. Beautiful fall weather.

Catholic Daily Mass - Daily TV Mass - October 12, 2023

Rosary from Lourdes - 12/10/2023

Monday, October 9, 2023

Training Vlog: Day 341 of Year 2 of Operation Great Reset - Build Back B...

“History shows that epidemics have been the great resetter of countries’ economy and social fabric. Why should it be different with COVID-19?” ― Klaus Schwab, COVID-19: The Great Reset In this video, I trained a little bit in the Fox Hill Apartments parking lot. Ran into my neighbor Kim and had a brief conversation with him about his upcoming eye surgery. Then I trained a bit more. Then I ran into my neighbor Laura and had a rather in-depth conversation with her about her take on the Israel/Hamas conflict. Then I trained a bit more before quitting for the day and going back inside.

Abandoned Pipe Camping