Controlling Your Style and Tone
Style is the way you use words to achieve a certain tone or overall impression. You can vary your style (your sentence structure and vocabulary) to sound forceful or objective, personal or formal, colorful or dry. The right choice depends on the nature of your message and your relationship with the reader. Although style can be refined using the revision phase, you will save time and a lot of rewriting if you use a style that allows you to achieve the desired tone from the start.
Using a Conversational Tone
The tone of your business messages can range from informal to conversational to formal. If you are in a large organization and you are communicating with your superiors or the customers, your tone would tend to be more formal and respectful. However, that formal tone might sound distant and cold if used with colleagues.
You can achieve a conversational tone in your messages by following these guidelines:
Using Plain English
Plain English is a way of presenting information in a simple unadorned style so that your audience can easily grasp your meaning without struggling through specialized, technical or convoluted language, because it is close to the way people normally speak. Plain English is easily understood by anyone with an 8th or 9th grade education. The Plain English Campaign (a nonprofit group in England campaigning for clear language) defines plain English as language "that the intended audience can read, understand and act upon the first time they read it." You can see how this definition shows respect for your audience.
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