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The Rant's mission is to offer information that is useful in business administration, economics, finance, accounting, and everyday life. The mission of the People of God is to be salt of the earth and light of the world. This people is "a most sure seed of unity, hope, and salvation for the whole human race." Its destiny "is the Kingdom of God which has been begun by God himself on earth and which must be further extended until it has been brought to perfection by him at the end of time."

Sunday, January 23, 2022

About Hematite: Its Meaning, Healing Properties, and More

Strength respects strength and not weakness. - Author: A. P. J. Abdul Kalam


What is Hematite?

Hematite is an iron oxide crystal and an important ore of iron. It is part of the trigonal crystal system and is often found in rocks and soil. Hematite has a metallic-like luster and colors that range from black to grey and silver along with more reddish brown varieties. The meaning of hematite is grounding and protection.

The History of Hematite

Throughout history, hematite has been known as a stone of great healing power and also for its ability to serve as a protective cloak. The Iron Rose, as it was sometimes called, has long left an impression on the Earth. Far back in history, the stone was considered to be an early form of a mirror, thanks to its reflective sheen. It was also ground down into powdered pigment for artists, even used by prehistoric man for etching his ideas on the walls of caves. It was smeared onto the faces of Native Americans and used as war paint. In its full form, hematite adorned the tombs of the pharaohs.

Hematite is dense. It is harder than your average crystal. This stone comes from the depths of South Africa and the warm-blooded lands of Brazil. It is also found in the winter wonderlands of French-speaking Quebec around the shores of Lake Superior. It can also be plucked from the snowy peaks of Switzerland.

For three thousand years hematite as been associated with magic and blood. It was used to prevent excessive bleeding in both the birthing bed and the battleground. It was worn by farmers and magicians to protect against curses and spells and its always been a stone that keeps the wearer well and truly grounded. For those who want to dig deep into the healing properties of hematite, keep reading. 

Hematite healing properties

Hematite is brimming with healing properties. Its like throwing a protective cloak over your shoulder, grabbing your shield and sword, and stepping out the door. This stone brings a deep heartfelt confidence, thanks to its ability to stop toxic emotions in their tracks. Its connected to the root chakra, which is the foundation of our stability in this world and it keeps us clear-minded and sassy with self-care every single day.

Physical Healing Properties

With a rich past and a high iron content that has long kept hematite connected to the blood, it comes as no surprise that hematite is considered to be one of the best stones for amping up healthy circulation in the body. If you have high blood pressure pressure, clots, heavy periods, or any kind of health issue connected with blood flow, this is the stone you need in your life. Hematite keeps your tissue in tip-top shape, and makes sure you can properly absorb all your nutrients, and it detoxifies the body (along with the mind and soul).

Mental and Emotional Healing Properties

Hematite is a strength-bringer. Its a stone for the mind. Do you often find yourself at the mercy of other people's bad moods and vibes? Then hematite is ever-ready to step in and make sure that you do not become a sponge for negative energy. For those who are high empaths, hematite is an incredible investment. It somehow manages to kick-start our survival instinct and is all about infusing us with courage, willpower, and confidence-enhancing abilities.

For those who sometimes feel like they live life a little on the timid side, hematite is here to give your self esteem a hearty boost. This new strength of character can help you to overcome all kinds of things. Addictive behaviors, poor patterns, and being a people-pleaser are all traits that can be thrown out the window when hematite comes in.

Metaphysical Properties

A strong rooting stone, hematite is connected to the root chakra and the solar plexus chakra. Our base chakras are where our confidence, belief in self, and feelings of security sit. When these are activated we feel unshakable which helps us to make decisions that are in complete alignment with our own souls. Hematite is also celebrated for its yin-yang balancing effect.

How to cleanse Your Hematite Stone 

Keeping your hematite cleansed, charged and in the clear is vital if you want your stone at its most powerful effectiveness.

Cleansing your hematite stone isn't hard but it's not a stone that likes water. Water can cause your hematite to rust thanks to the iron oxide content. Instead of using water on your stone you can simply use a soft bristle brush (like a toothbrush) and give it a rub every now and then to shake it free of trapped energy. If you want to charge up your hematite then place it on top of your other rock crystals to infuse it with some much-needed energy. 

Final Thoughts on Hematite

Hematite is an amazing stone for those who just want a good a heavy dose of grounding. The world can be a tough place and its often all too easy to feel like you are being blown along without an anchor to keep you strong.

Fortunately, hematite can be that anchor. For those who want to feel stable, protected, and to keep themselves free from the burden of other people's all consuming energy this is a stone that helps you to keep your footing when it comes to a potent crystal healing. Hematite is heaven-sent, its clarity and focus, its yin yang balancing act, and its trustworthy nature make sure that you stay as solid as a rock. 

What are your thoughts on the healing powers of hematite? Are you drawn to its magnetic magic? Share in the comments.



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