Mission Statement

The Rant's mission is to offer information that is useful in business administration, economics, finance, accounting, and everyday life. The mission of the People of God is to be salt of the earth and light of the world. This people is "a most sure seed of unity, hope, and salvation for the whole human race." Its destiny "is the Kingdom of God which has been begun by God himself on earth and which must be further extended until it has been brought to perfection by him at the end of time."

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

My Wheelchair Roadwork Training through the Fox Hill Neighborhood in St. Charles, Missouri, USA

This was a good day of wheelchair roadwork training for me. I started by getting in my manual wheelchair and pushing myself out into the Fox Hill Apts. bldg. 1 parking lot.

I ascended the hill leading out of the parking lot and turned left on to this sidewalk. But it was just to take a brief rest. I didn't really want to head in this direction. I wanted to turn around and ascend the rest of the way up to the very top of Fox Hill, and so I did.

Lo and behold. There it is. The very summit of Fox Hill in St. Charles, Missoouri, USA. I pushed onward in my ascent.

I turned right out of Fox Hill Apts. onto the sidewalk at the very top of Fox Hill Rd. This is a good shot from the sidewalk of the parking lot I ascended out of behind the Fox Hill Apartments sign. And in that building behind the sign is where I have lived for the last 21 years. 

I turned left and continued to head down the sidewalk that slowly descends Fox Hill at this point, but then gets much steeper further on. However, I didn't plan to go down that far this time out, since I am now just trying to build back strength, and I don't want to overdo it. 

So here I am slowly approaching the small neighborhood of villas, the entrance of which is up ahead and to the right, where that fence is.

This is a photo of the entrance of the villa neighborhood that borders Fox Hill Apts. on that side.

So, as mentioned above, I didn't want to wear myself out because overtraining has been an issue for me in the past and I did not want to injure my shoulder again with a tear or sprain, and because I also I wanted to save some strength for the final part of my journey, where I descend down into the Fox Hill Apts. bldg. 1 parking lot, because it is a rather steep decline down into the apartment complex from Fox Hill Rd., and I wrecked several times in the past going down that hill because I didn't save up enough strength for a slow, steady, controlled descent.

So, here I am slowly making my way up to the top of Fox Hill, yet again, with the neighborhood of villas down to the left.

This is a photo of the corner of North Randolf, heading off to the left and entering into Fox Hill Apts., and Fox Hill Rd. to the right, where the sidewalk crosses into the residential neighborhood on that side of the apartment complex.

I crossed the street and headed down the sidewalk a little of the way into that part of the Fox Hill neighborhood. At this point, my arms were starting to feel wobbly and weakened, so I just went up to that corner, and turned around and headed back home.


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