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Friday, December 20, 2024

In the Catholic Mass do I pray for others to be transformed by Eucharistic graces?


In the Catholic Mass, there isn't a specific prayer universally included where the congregation explicitly prays for others to be transformed by Eucharistic graces. However, the Mass itself, particularly during the Eucharistic Prayer, includes intentions for the Church, the living, the dead, and for unity among all believers which can be seen as an indirect prayer for transformation through the Eucharist:

  • The Eucharistic Prayer has parts where the priest prays for the Church, the Pope, the local Bishop, and all those in need, asking for God's grace to be upon them. This could be interpreted as a prayer for transformation by Eucharistic graces since the Eucharist is central to these prayers.
  • The Prayer of the Faithful or "General Intercessions" after the Creed is another point where specific intentions can be voiced for the community, including for spiritual growth and transformation, though these are not always directly linked to Eucharistic graces in wording.
  • Personal Intentions: Individuals attending Mass can certainly offer their own prayers during the Mass, especially during moments like the consecration, for others to be transformed by the graces of the Eucharist.

While there isn't a standardized prayer for this specific intention, the spirit of the Mass, with its focus on communion with Christ and with each other, inherently carries the hope and prayer for personal and communal transformation through the Eucharist. If you're looking to pray specifically for this, you might consider including such intentions in your personal prayers during the Mass or even suggesting them during the Prayer of the Faithful if you have a role in preparing that part of the liturgy.

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