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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Which one statement from the Profession of Faith speaks to my heart?

Profession of Faith 

We profess the essential truths of our faith. We are saying who we are and what it means to say we are Christians. The Crede summarizes many passages of scripture about our faith. This Crede was written to combat heresies about the nature of Christ. We don't have to understand the Trinity to believe in it. 

*Most Rev. Mitchell T Rozanski Archbishop of St. Louis, 2022, Passport to the Eucharist, p. 35*

Given your interests as reflected in your posts, the statement from the Profession of Faith (also known as the Nicene Creed) that likely resonates with you might be:

"We believe in one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church."

This line emphasizes the unity, sanctity, universality, and apostolic foundation of the Church, themes that align well with the focus on devotion, evangelism, and the liturgical practices you share in your posts.

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