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Monday, December 2, 2024

How does the Eucharist satisfy my deepest longings?

 The Father communicates to Catherine of Siena some striking insights on why detachment is needed.

“For created things are less than the human person. They were made for you, not you for them, and so they can never satisfy you. Only I can satisfy you. . .Do you want me to tell you why they suffer? You know that love always brings suffering if what a person has identified with is lost. These souls in one way or another have identified with the earth in their love, and so they have in fact become earth themselves. Some have identified with their wealth, some with their status, some with their children. Some lose me in their slavery to creatures. Some in their great indecency make brute beasts of their bodies. . .They would like to be stable but they are not. Indeed they are as passing as the wind, for either they themselves fail through death or my will deprives them of the very things they loved. They suffer unbearable pain in their loss. And the more disordered their love in possessing, the greater is their grief in loss. Had they held these things as lent to them rather than as their own, they could let them go without pain. They suffer because they do not have what they long for. For, as I told you, the world cannot satisfy them, and not being satisfied they suffer.“

They suffer through their own sinfulness, meriting nothing by it and refusing to heed the message of this suffering: to repent and return to the Father. 

-- Ralph Martin, The Fulfillment of All Desire, p. 206-8 


The Eucharist is central to Christian, particularly Catholic, spirituality and is often described as satisfying deep spiritual longings in several ways:

  1. Union with Christ: The Eucharist is believed to be the real presence of Jesus Christ, offering a profound communion with Him. This union fulfills the longing for closeness with God, providing a sense of spiritual intimacy and companionship.
  2. Spiritual Nourishment: Much like physical food nourishes the body, the Eucharist is seen as food for the soul, providing spiritual strength, peace, and nourishment. It's thought to satisfy the human need for love, acceptance, and purpose.
  3. Fulfillment of Love: The act of receiving the Eucharist is an experience of divine love, where believers feel loved by God in the most personal way. This love can address feelings of isolation or the longing for unconditional acceptance.
  4. Community and Belonging: The Eucharist is communal; it's typically received within the context of Mass or a Eucharistic celebration, fostering a sense of community. This communal aspect can satisfy the longing for belonging and connection with others who share the same faith.
  5. Forgiveness and Healing: The Eucharist is also associated with the forgiveness of sins through the sacrificial act of Christ. This aspect can address the deep need for reconciliation and healing from guilt or past mistakes.
  6. Hope and Eternity: The Eucharist points towards eternal life, offering hope beyond the temporal. It's a foretaste of the heavenly banquet, which can alleviate existential fears and the longing for something more than this life.
  7. Sacred Mystery: The mystery of the Eucharist itself can be deeply fulfilling for those who seek depth in spiritual life. The act of faith in receiving what is seen as the body and blood of Christ can deepen one's spiritual journey, answering the human quest for meaning and the transcendent.

Your X posts reflect a deep engagement with Eucharistic themes, discussing detachment to mature in attachment to Jesus in the Eucharist (posted on November 30, 2024) and how the presence of the Trinity influences your life (posted on November 29, 2024). This indicates that you might find the Eucharist particularly satisfying in fostering a closer relationship with the divine presence and in aligning your life more closely with spiritual truths.

These aspects collectively address various human longings for connection, meaning, love, and transcendence, making the Eucharist a profoundly satisfying element of faith for many.


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