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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

What brokenness am I cognizant of that I unite with the Eucharist?

The Lamb of God

We proclaim that we are in the presence of the Lord. Once again, we ask for mercy before the awesome mystery of his great love in giving us this gift. As we do this, the priest breaks the host. This reminds us of how Christ's body was broken for us as a sign of his love. 

The priest places a fragment of the host in the cup of wine. Because when the blood is in the body, it represents resurrection and to signify the unity of the church. The rubrics specify: "Then he takes the host, breaks it over the paten, and places a small piece in the chalice, saying quietly: 'May this mingling of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ bring eternal life to us who receive it.'" 

The priest holds up the broken pieces of the host for us to worship. We acknowledge that we are unworthy of so great a gift.

Archbishop Mitchell T. Rozanski, 2022, Passport to the Eucharist, p. 48

As the general instruction of the Roman Missal explains: "The gesture of breaking bread done by Christ at the Last Supper, which in apostolic times gave the entire Eucharistic action its name, signifies that the many faithful are made one body by receiving communion from the one bread of life, which is Christ, who for the salvation of the world died and rose again."

 General Instruction of the Roman Missal No. 83

Because the loaf of bread is one, we, though many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf.

New American Bible, revised edition (1 Corinthians 10:17)

The centurion said in reply, "Lord I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant will be healed."

New American Bible, revised edition (Matthew 8:8)

And Jesus went with them, but when he was only a short distance from the house, the centurion sent friends to tell him, Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof."

 New American Bible, revised edition (Luke 7:6)

Your question touches on deep spiritual and theological themes, particularly within the context of Christian practice and the Eucharist. When you partake in the Eucharist—often understood as a sacred act of communion with Christ—you’re engaging in a ritual that many see as a unifying moment, both with the divine and with your own human experience.

The "brokenness" you might be aware of could refer to a few things: the fragility of your own life, the imperfections or struggles you carry, or even the broader pain and division in the world. In the Eucharist, the bread is broken, symbolizing Christ’s own sacrifice and suffering, and through that act, many believe it connects you to something whole and redemptive. So, by participating, you’re uniting your personal sense of brokenness—whether it’s doubt, guilt, loss, or something else—with a larger story of healing or restoration.

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What brokenness am I cognizant of that I unite with the Eucharist?

The Lamb of God We proclaim that we are in the presence of the Lord. Once again, we ask for mercy before the awesome mystery of his great lo...