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Friday, July 12, 2019

REVERE RADIO NETWORK: RISE OF THE PHOENIX??? WTF (Analysis of the New Revere Radio Network - part 3)

Before listing your house for sale on the market, look around to see what things need to be fixed so that you can get the maximum profit out of it. It is extremely important to make your house attractive to potential buyers when they visit your place. Focus on these important, yet simple, fixes to boost the value of your house. The fixes in this post can be done easily and inexpensively. 

There are a lot of benefits when you get these simple, but often overlooked, things done. You will sell your house quicker.  Getting your home fixed up will increase its value. Buyers will have a favorable experience.

If you are interested in real estate wholesaling, then this is not for you. However, if you want higher returns for selling your house, here are 3 simple fixes.


The most important thing to fix is damaged flooring. Flooring makes a huge difference in the overall look of your house. If you have damaged flooring, repair it. It creates a great impact on potential buyers.

The simple and inexpensive way to upgrade your damaged floor is a fine coat of neutral paint or a new carpet. As a result, it will brighten up your house, and it will look well maintained.

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While changing the damaged floor of your house, you should always focus on highly visible areas such as the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. Hardwood floors are one of the most popular ones. To get the same kind of look for a much lower price, try laminate flooring. If you already have a hardwood floor, refinish it. It will entirely change the look of your house.


One of the most convenient and simplest ways to refresh your house is through painting. It is crucial to fix nail holes and dents in the wall. You don't have to hire a professional to paint. You can paint the ceiling and walls of your house on your own to give it a new look. There are tons of wall-painting tutorial videos available for free on Youtube. It will not cost you much.

Furthermore, choosing the right color is also important when you're thinking about selling your house. You may have enjoyed different shades of colors when you were residing at your home, but avoid doing this when you are listing your house for sale. 

 Bright colors make rooms look smaller. Neutral, light colors are best for ceiling and walls because it attracts most people and makes your room look bigger.

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If you have wallpaper, remove it. It will reduce the value of your house. If the paint of the doors and drawers of the kitchen and bathroom is cracked or peeled, apply a fresh coat.


Apart from painting your house, there are little things which people sometimes forget to fix. Interior fixes include fixing any leaks or loose hinges, and making sure the refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, stove, and chimney are in good condition.

Check whether cabinet doors and drawers open and close easily, or not. Unclog or replace stuck drawer tracks, broken knobs, or handles. Check if faucets are running leak free or not. In addition, fix lighting issues, if needed. Or look at different lighting options available in the market, that can make your rooms look more spacious. Don't forget to check all the things mentioned above so you don't lose the value of your house.

Lastly, the exterior part is equally important because it is the first place buyers see, and first impressions count. Making simple and noticeable changes in the front of your house will not cost much.

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Check the whole exterior area and make necessary changes, as needed, such as replace the missing fence, clean up any junk lying around your house, cut the grass, get all the things patched up, fix the broken or missing tiles, etc. These simple fixes will give you higher returns when you sell your house.

*SOURCE: revereradionetwork.com*


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