Mission Statement

The Rant's mission is to offer information that is useful in business administration, economics, finance, accounting, and everyday life.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Day 10

The 30 Day Proactive Test

Hey now
Day 10

So the most proactive thing I have done in these last ten days would obviously be all the work I have been putting into my blog.

I always meant to. I had this blog for years but was never that serious about it. Mostly, I just used it as a storage device for all of my little projects.

This is pretty much what I went to school for. I have an MA in Communications. So I figured sometime in the not so distant future, if I could just start putting in a little bit of work every day, it might be possible to get a halfway decent blog up and running, but I kept putting it off.

So coming across this 30 Day Proactive Test was fortuitous in several ways. As a writer, I am always looking for new ideas. Being somewhat of a Gonzo journalist, I thought it would be an excellent idea for a story to chronicle my rise to power as I go through The 30 Day Proactive Test as espoused by Stephen R. Covey in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. And, I figured it would also be a good opportunity for growth and self-improvement. Also, this seemed like a good chance to get The Rant up and running again but in a magazine/blog-style format this incarnation. The Rant started out as radio talk show. It went on for five years and was moderately successful and then I had a change in vision and wanted to somehow morph what I was doing on the radio into a more internet-based, magazine/blog-style, online publication.

12:59 PM 

It has been a very lazy day. I have just been sleeping all day. I think I will smoke some pot, drink some water, listen to Snap Judgement on NPR and try to read at least a page or two of 7 Habits. Then I shall come back and do a bit more writing.

1:50 PM


I know I mentioned earlier there was little to no change in my Circle of Influence. However, as I have had time throughout the day to think it over, I am becoming aware of a change.

The change is somewhat ineffable ergo hard to describe at the moment. So I shall not try. However, I am sure I will come up with something, once I have had time to mull it over.

A Circle of Influence encompasses those concerns that we can do something about. They are concerns that we have some control over

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