Mission Statement

The Rant's mission is to offer information that is useful in business administration, economics, finance, accounting, and everyday life. The mission of the People of God is to be salt of the earth and light of the world. This people is "a most sure seed of unity, hope, and salvation for the whole human race." Its destiny "is the Kingdom of God which has been begun by God himself on earth and which must be further extended until it has been brought to perfection by him at the end of time."

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Day 44 of The 30 Day Proactive Test

Day 44


3:16 PM

Hello. This is day 44 of the Thirty Day Prroactive Test. I am Charles Lamson. This is my story. It a tale of cock-eyed optimism, pie in the sky delusions of grandeur and unbridled lust for power.

 Important Qualities To Focus on

Here you find guidelines to make the important – and not the urgent – a bigger part of your everyday life.

  • . Coherence: Keep a list in your planner naming your short- and long-term goals, and the roles you have.
  •  Focus: Organize on a weekly basis so you can check if all roles are included in your week. You can still shift some during your day or as the days pass. Weekly planning provides a better overview.
  • Subordinate schedules to people: When people and relationship come in play, you need to realize their importance over the scheduled activities.
  • Flexibility: “Your planning tool should be your servant, never your master,” says Covey. Plan as it suits you and how you are, not as you think you should.
  • Portable: Keep your schedule with you most of the time. You might want to check the schedule, or the goals on it. Or to compare what you planned with new opportunities.

Tips to get you going.

  • Define your roles. Think about your different roles during the upcoming week.
  • Select your goals. Which goals do you want to accomplish within each of the roles you defined? Write down one or two as part of your schedule.
  • Schedule your week. Start with filling those hours that can only be spent during office hours, or on Saturdays.
  • Adapt daily. With your schedule written down, daily planning becomes daily adapting. Take a few minutes each morning to reconsider your current schedule.

4. Organize your next week. start by writing down your roles and goals for the week. Then transfer the goals to a specific action plan. At the end of the week, evaluate how well your plan translated your deep values and purposes into your daily life and degree of integrity you were able to maintain to those values and those purposes.

Becoming a Quadrant 2 Self-Manager

Quadrant 2 organizing involves four key activities.

Identifying Roles.   The first task is to write down your key roles. These are my roles from last week.

1. Individual

2. Blogger, owner and operator of The Rant
3. Owner and operator of small home-based business
4. Boss of two employees
5. Owner and operator of small home-based production/publishing company

Selecting Goals.   The next step is to think of two or three important results you feel you should accomplish in each role during the next seven days. These would be recorded as goals.

These are my roles and goals for last week.
Individual - Personal Development
Rough draft mission statement

Ask doctor how to get hands on my medical records

Blogger - Owner/operator of The Rant

Rough draft mission statement

Publish seven new posts

Owner/operator of Small Home-Based Business
Rough draft mission statement

Return home

Boss of Two Employees
Contact Sennie as soon as I have an idea when I come home

Ditto with Debbie

Owner/operator of Small Home-Based Production/publishing Company
Rough draft mission statement

Publish seven new posts

Scheduling.   Now you can look at the week ahead with your goals in mind and schedule time to achieve them.

Daily Adapting.   With Quadrant II weekly organizing, daily planning becomes more a function of daily adapting, of prioritizing activities and responding to unanticipated events, relationships and experiences in a meaningful way.

4. Organize your next week. start by writing down your roles and goals for the week. Then transfer the goals to a specific action plan. At the end of the week, evaluate how well your plan translated your deep values and purposes into your daily life and degree of integrity you were able to maintain to those values and those purposes.

I did identify my roles and goals in an earlier publication, on April 30, to be precise. Though I did not transfer the goals to a specific action plan. I feel I made okay progress just by listing roles and goals.

Individual - Personal Development
Rough draft mission statement

Ask doctor how to get hands on my medical records

In my role as an individual, I did complete a rough draft of my personal mission statement, and though I did not ask my doctor how to get my hands on my medical records, I did ask a nurse. Below is the rough draft of my Personal Mission Statement. It is not perfect. It needs a little work, but not bad for a rough draft.

Personal Mission Statement (Rough Draft)

My mission is to live with integrity and make a difference in the lives of others.

To fulfill this mission:

I live with the principle of charity:
I seek out and love the individual, each individual, despite this person's individual situation.

I live with the principle of sacrifice:My time, my talent and my resources are all devoted to my mission.

I live to inspire:By example, I teach that we are all children in a universe where the potential for learning is infinite.

I make an impact:What I do affects others.

In achieving my mission, these roles take priority:
Neighbor:Kindness is visible through my actions toward others.

Agent of Change:For developing high performance in large organizations, I am a catalyst.

Scholar:Every day I learn fun and important new things.

Last Week
Blogger - Owner/operator of The Rant

Rough draft mission statement

Publish 7 new posts
In my role as Blogger - Owner/operator of The Rant, I did not complete a rough draft of a mission statement for my blog. Also, I did not publish 7 new posts. However, I did publish five new posts, which actually i think is more of a reasonable goal. So for this week I am not even going to worry about my role as an individual. As for as my role as blogger goes, I am revising it to look more like below.

This week
Blogger - Owner/operator of The Rant

Rough draft mission statement

Publish five new posts

Owner/operator of Small Home-Based Business
Rough draft mission statement

Return home
In my role as Owner/operator of Small Home-Based Business. I did not create my rough draft mission statement. However, I did return home about a week back.

Boss of Two Employees
Contact Sennie as soon as I have an idea when I come home

Ditto with Debbie
In my boss role I accomplished both tasks. YAY! For Me!
Owner/operator of Small Home-Based Production/publishing Company
Rough draft mission statement

Publish seven new posts.
In my role as Operator/Owner of  Small Home-Based Production/Publishing Company, I did not complete my rough draft mission statement, but I did publish five posts. so my role and goal is the same there for next week

Next Weeks Roles And Goals

These are next weeks roles and goals:
Blogger - Owner/operator of The Rant

Rough draft mission statement

Publish seven new posts

Owner/operator of Small Home-Based Business
Rough draft mission statement

Begin research for business plan focusing quotes stuff I can use as reference material in the creation of the business plan

Owner/operator of Small Home-Based Production/publishing Company
Rough draft mission statement

Publish seven new posts
There are only three this week of both roles and goals, because I really want to get these mission statements done this week, the rough drafts anyway. And tomorrow I plan to put all this in a weekly scheduling format right here on this blog.


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